Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Old School Guys Starting to Move into SaaS

You can tell that SaaS is really taking off when you start to see the old school software guys starting to offer the capabilities of their products through on-demand services. This article in InformationWeek talks about Informatica (a long time vendor of ETL products) offering data integration as an on-demand service to integrate internal enterprise applications with other SaaS vendors such as This won't be available until third quarter this year. Seems to me like they're a little late to the game. Companies like Bridgewerx have been offering such capabilities for a while now. It will interesting to see what kind of capabilities Informatica's services will offer. Given their ETL background, they'll probably have some pretty good data transformation and cleansing capabilities which could be a competive edge for them over some of the other companies offering this stuff.

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